Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Category: Dutch Kills Press

If Hemingway Was Funny

New fiction from David Samuel Levinson. Bernadette used to love Colin. And now Colin wonders why he ever let her go. Imagine Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” with a sense of humor, and a diminutive Australian named Boris. $1.99. To buy the e-book (and learn more about its publisher, Dutch Kills Press), click here.

The Quiet Desperation of Rhode Islanders

New fiction from Mike Heppner.​ Professor Munch, a cranky widower, wants to live out his days in peace. But his middle-aged daughter has returned with her ludicrously diffident boyfriend, and they keep having loud sex. A disturbing, funny, penetrating novella. Only $2.99. To buy the e-book (and learn more about its publisher, Dutch Kills Press), click here.

The Greatest Writer Who Never Wrote

New fiction from Dan Friedman. A fixture in postwar Paris, M. Blanc left only these letters behind. The Complete Letters of M. Blanc is an epistolary novella with echoes of Borges and a Nabokovian flair. $2.99. To buy the e-book (and learn more about its publisher, Dutch Kills Press), click here.

Take Another Look at Modernism

Amy Park is a visual artist who draws inspiration from architecture. Her e-book, A Short History of Modernist Architecture and Interiors, is a fascinating collection of 36 pen and ink drawings. To buy the book (and learn more about its publisher, Dutch Kills Press), click here.


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