Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Category: Religion

Literary Selfie, 2018

When you work in the arts, you’re always second-guessing yourself, wishing you produced more, earned more, etc. That’s why at the end of the year I like to look back at what I accomplished. Because while usually it’s less than what I wanted, it’s often more than I had thought. I realize that for many […]

Greetings New Visitors

  I checked analytics for the first time in months, and to my surprise there’s been a spike in visitors. Welcome! About me: I write about religion and culture for various magazines. Here’s my latest piece for the Forward on a fascinating exhibition on the strong connections between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I am the author […]

Recent Journalism and Fictioning!

  Journalism For the Jewish Chronicle, a UK newspaper, I wrote about: Richard Meier’s open-robe trick, the “globalist” term, and the Illinois Congressional candidate who is also a Holocaust denier. Fictioning  I was lucky enough to read and be interviewed on The Other Stories, Ilana Masad’s killer podcast, I was awarded my second(!) Queens Arts […]

New Writings on Religion and American Cuture

I’ve been quite busy in 2018 — working on some new fiction about the Korean War and digging up new material for Dutch Kills Press. Below I’ve collected links my most recent nonfiction on religion in my beautiful crazypants country. Here is my piece dissecting evangelical support for Donald Trump. (Spoiler alert: it’s easier to […]

Some Interesting Stuff I Wrote to Read and Enjoy Before the GOP Tax Bill Reduces Us All to Foraging for Food

For Religion & Politics, I interviewed the authors of Bible Nation, a new book about the Green family and their Hobby Lobby shenanigans. Then for the Forward, I went to D.C. and checked out the Greens’ new Museum of the Bible. (Spoiler alert: they got a lot wrong.) My story collection UGGS FOR GAZA is for […]

Literary Selfie: Spring 2017 (aka Even a Time of National Crisis Can’t Distract Me from My Careerist Self-Absorption)

  ___ As usual, I am aware that in these difficult times, so many of you lie awake, staring at the ceiling and asking yourself, “What is Gordon Haber up to?” Rest easy, because here’s your answer: Writing! I wrote about The Handmaid’s Tale for Religion & Politics. I wrote about My Scientology Movie for Religion […]

Literary Selfie: Summer 2016

  My new short story, His Grandmother’s Memory, is available here as an Amazon Kindle single. I read from my short story Publish and Perish for C-Span. I had a piece about the prosperity gospel in Religion & Politics. I had a piece about the key to understanding Bernie Sanders (hint, he’s an aging Jewish man) […]

7 Quick Facts about the Pagan Festival of Imbolc

  It marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The “b” in “Imbolc” is silent. The day is associated with Brigid, the Irish goddess of poetry, who also, while mourning for her son killed in battle, invented keening. Brigid is a “triple deity”—she has two sisters named Brigid. The day […]

Aliens Give a Press Conference to Respond to Theological Allegations of Pastor Ken Ham

You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe. This means that any aliens would also be affected by Adam’s sin, but because they are not Adam’s descendants, they can’t have salvation. —Ken Ham Thanks everybody for coming. I really appreciate it. It’s been a long trip to get here […]


“The Torah mandates that one return a lost item to its owner. This obligation is limited to items which the owner has a chance of recovering, due to some identifying sign. The Mishna lists lost items that one may keep, due to their having no identifying sign, and lost items that one must announce, to […]


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