Literary Selfie!
by Gordon Haber
I have a story called “The German Photographer” in the Parenthetical Review, a lovely new lit mag. So, to celebrate that, and to remind myself that I am not a lonely, aging hack typing away in an isolated cabin, here’s a partial list of my recent publications.
- Bourges, 1990, about music and France and travel in the days before the Internet, in The Weekly Rumpus.
- The Real Story of Nigel Embo, about race, writing and male competition, in Jewish Fiction.
- UGGs for Gaza: a story about love, lying and Los Angeles, in The Normal School.
The Kindle Singles imprint published 2 of my novellas. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get a free reading app. No warehouse workers were harmed in the making or distribution of these e-books:
- Adjunctivitis, a best-selling novella about academia and the new economy, only $2.99 (£1.99 UK).
- False Economies a best-selling novella about an American in London during the Thatcher years, only $2.99 (£1.99 UK).
I welcome your questions and/or comments.