Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Tag: academia

An Open Letter to Steven B. Long, Esq. Who Cuts UNC Programs for Capitalism

Dear Mr. Long, Greetings from New York City, land of liberals and lattes! I read that the Board of Governors of the UNC System voted to discontinue 46 degree programs. I am sure that you know all about that, because, as the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee, you voted for the cuts. I am writing […]

The Soothing Stroke of the Invisible Hand

Some time ago I begged people to stop writing stupid things about adjuncts, because I am unable to stop myself from responding and thus I take time away from writing for money. Therefore every time you write something stupid about adjuncts, you are taking food from my child’s mouth. Today my hackles have been raised […]

All This Thinkiness About Student Shaming Is Missing the Point

Here’s the backstory: Vitae started a column, “Dear Student,” in which professors kvetch about the irritating things that students do every single semester, like not bothering to buy the textbook or not showing up to class. Some guy says that he will no longer write for Vitae because said column is “student-shaming.” Someone else says […]

Oh Lord Here We Go Again

One of the truly horrible things about the Internet is how it has professionalized trolling. A day does not go by without click-baiting nonsense appearing in the guise of informed opinion. Last week The Chronicle of Higher Education published Confessions of a Young Prolific Academic, one more example of the growing genre of “tenuresplaining,” that […]

The Contingent Labor System Exploits All Kinds of People. So What’s So Special about Academia?

A question from a commenter in response to my rant against academics who criticize adjuncts (and others) when they complain about academia: How is this issue the same / different than the more general issue of the have vs. have not or the powerful vs the non-powerful? What about the academic environment makes this different? […]

Year-End Roundup

  Fiction. I am grateful to have published a good amount of fiction in 2013. First and foremost, I got two novellas out into the world via Amazon’s stellar Kindle Singles program: Adjunctivitis, a novella about a part-time college instructor in L.A. in a desperate quest for health insurance False Economies, a novella about a […]

“A romantic comedy with a twist from a startling new talent.”

ADJUNCTIVITIS: A NOVELLA A struggling young writer, stuck with dead-end teaching jobs he’s literally allergic to, watches glumly from Hollywood’s fringes as everyone else seems to succeed. Then a chance encounter with television’s Mr. Big changes everything—or does it? A “laugh-out-loud funny” novella of about 60 pages. HOW TO BUY ADJUNCTIVITIS: It’s available for $2.99 […]

Adjunctivitis: A Novella

“A romantic comedy with a twist from a startling new talent.“ A struggling young writer, stuck with dead-end teaching jobs he’s literally allergic to, watches glumly from Hollywood’s fringes as everyone else seems to succeed. Then a chance encounter with television’s Mr. Big puts fame and fortune within his grasp — but is that what […]


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