Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Tag: Amazon

2 Hugely Entertaining (and Inexpensive) Short Novels

  Adjunctivitis An itinerant college instructor on a desperate quest for health insurance. “A laugh-out-loud story.” — This girl I met on Tumblr Available for $2.99 as an Amazon Kindle Single. (£1.99 in the UK). False Economies The romantic (mis)adventures of a young American in Thatcher’s London. “A very funny and poignant little book.”— My […]

Amazon: The New Evil Empire?

  This week in the New Yorker, George Packer has a skeptical piece about Amazon. It’s worth a read, but I found it a little confused. Here, in no particular order, are my thoughts: The Big 5 are angry and scared. Amazon has inserted itself into the book business and taken a chunk of their […]

Year-End Roundup

  Fiction. I am grateful to have published a good amount of fiction in 2013. First and foremost, I got two novellas out into the world via Amazon’s stellar Kindle Singles program: Adjunctivitis, a novella about a part-time college instructor in L.A. in a desperate quest for health insurance False Economies, a novella about a […]

On Writing Short

I’ve got a 150,000-word novel on my hard drive.  It needs another draft, but every time I think about it I feel a little ill. Short works, however, are much less troubling. The first novel I ever wrote was really three novellas about the same character — and I never thought it would see the […]


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