Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Tag: religion

Religion! Sex! Guilt!

The new e-book I co-edited for Killing the Buddha: Oh God Oh Oh God Oh God: Essays on Sex and Religion × Religion and sex, sex and religion — what happens when you put them together? In this case, you get 19 engaging essays on topics like: × • Sex ed in Catholic school! • […]

7 Quick Facts about the Pagan Festival of Imbolc

  It marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The “b” in “Imbolc” is silent. The day is associated with Brigid, the Irish goddess of poetry, who also, while mourning for her son killed in battle, invented keening. Brigid is a “triple deity”—she has two sisters named Brigid. The day […]

Year-End Roundup

  Fiction. I am grateful to have published a good amount of fiction in 2013. First and foremost, I got two novellas out into the world via Amazon’s stellar Kindle Singles program: Adjunctivitis, a novella about a part-time college instructor in L.A. in a desperate quest for health insurance False Economies, a novella about a […]


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