Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist
by Gordon Haber
- Fortune 500 co. seeks blogger with in-depth knowledge of health care industry. 50ยข a post! Great exposure!
- Hot new online mag seeks celebrity news writer for 700 years of experience. Please send 3 clips & 1 kidney (someone else’s OK) to Staceeee1@celebnow.com.
- Alaskan Tundra Magazine, Alaska’s premier magazine on the all things tundra, seeks features writer with glossy experience and a passion for all things tundra. You will be paid in used camping gear.
- National newspaper seeks seasoned journalist to stand naked to the elements for 6 weeks without food or water. Great exposure!
- UK newspaper with strong online presence needs good writers to plagiarize pieces from other news outlets that have already gone viral. We pay 8 oz of chicken feed per post.
- I need rilly good writter to help me with $1 billion dollar idea you get half of royaltees when we get super amazing book deel
- Venerable magazine seeks longform writers for quality investigative journalism; we pay $3 per word plus all expenses. KIDDING!
- Slippery Elm Review: A Sensitive Literary Journal seeks fiction and poetry for our upcoming vernal equinox issue. $7000 reading fee.