Gordon Haber

Writer, editor, mediocre guitarist

Category: Adjunctivitis

Aliens Give a Press Conference to Respond to Theological Allegations of Pastor Ken Ham

You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe. This means that any aliens would also be affected by Adam’s sin, but because they are not Adam’s descendants, they can’t have salvation. —Ken Ham Thanks everybody for coming. I really appreciate it. It’s been a long trip to get here […]

Fancy Degrees and Food Stamps

Here’s a nice piece on Salon.com by the great Matt Saccaro on adjuncts struggling to make a living—to the point where they depend on food stamps. Although I never resorted to food stamps, I was certainly eligible for them, there were plenty of times when I came pretty damn close.  

Brave Defenders of the First Amendment

Donald Sterling: “I don’t want black people at Clippers games.” Everyone: “MAKE HIM SELL HIS BUSINESS!” Salaita: “Jews love killing babies.” Everyone: “FREE SPEECH!”

Hey College Professors: Stop Complaining (Says Smug College Professor)

Today in obnoxious bullshit about higher ed: a variant on the “let’s criticize teachers for their rhetoric instead of discussing the real problems” trend piece, or what we might call “a trend piece about other trend pieces designed to highlight the author’s superiority that instead evinces his own douchiness.” This one is by Daniel Nester, […]

An Open Letter to Education Reporters

Dear Education Reporters: Please stop writing dumb things about education, because every time you do, I feel compelled to blog about it. And nobody pays me for blogging, which means that every time you write something dumb about education, you take food from my child’s mouth. And you really need to stop conflating crowdsourcing with […]

The Contingent Labor System Exploits All Kinds of People. So What’s So Special about Academia?

A question from a commenter in response to my rant against academics who criticize adjuncts (and others) when they complain about academia: How is this issue the same / different than the more general issue of the have vs. have not or the powerful vs the non-powerful? What about the academic environment makes this different? […]

Let’s Raise Billions But Use None of It to Help Half Our Teaching Staff!

  Columbia University, I Love You! I’m serious! Its MFA program got me started as a teacher and a writer. And I still don’t regret that career path or that I had to borrow $35K — if it weren’t for that teaching fellowship, I’d have borrowed twice as much. But in retrospect I see now […]

More Thinky Thoughts from Tepid Academics

Generally I don’t respond to comments. More often than not they’re nasty (you should see what people say when I write about Israel) and it’s not like I am going to change anyone’s mind. But I want to make a quick response to the following comment, which appeared on 3quarksdaily’s reblog of HippoRead’s reblog of […]

Everybody Please Stop Talking About Education Like It’s Any Other Consumer Product

  The tide of bullshit keeps flowing. Techno Sapiens is a technology podcast that asks if “machines will solve our problems, or make them worse.” One host ostensibly takes a boosterish view of technology, the other skeptical. After listening to their recent podcast on MOOCs, I found it hard to discern who was supposed to […]


“The Torah mandates that one return a lost item to its owner. This obligation is limited to items which the owner has a chance of recovering, due to some identifying sign. The Mishna lists lost items that one may keep, due to their having no identifying sign, and lost items that one must announce, to […]


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